

I started whole30 on Friday the thirteenth (blah) and am currently distracting myself with Carly Simon while in serious cheese withdrawals... that and (hidden ! gross ! sucrose !) sugar are always the hardest to quit. The plan is to add dairy back in slowly and avoid the crack, i mean sugar, like the plague for now times infinity.

links !
Some posts that look (so, so) good right now via pinterest and the interwebs
this board, all whole30 breakfasts (i had the chia parfait this morning)
lunch maybe ?
every single one of these blog posts
this ! this, this, this
the most impressive soup
this is my most favorite of my boards, always
this album and this one

Y'all get excited because there's also 2 (2 !) new posts going up this week, a portrait session and the most bestest pastel/primal/paleo/vegan/whole30/3-I mean 2-I mean 1-ingredient sorbets for everyone !

Also ! I'm reading Sugar Blues by William Dufty right now and it is life. changing. I mean, I've always tried to avoid sugar but now i won't even go near it



Snap peas, sliced radishes, roasted eggplant, roasted tomatoes, egg salad

balsamic thyme dressing, sweet peppers, zucchini fetticcine, hard boiled eggs, roasted butternut squash

humos, lemon/lime/mint water, pizza dough

summer squash pizza crust

MONDAY: italian sausage/zucchini/summer squash on the grill
TUESDAY: balsamic pulled pork
WEDNESDAY: rainbow bowls
FRIDAY: sweet and sour chicken (needless to say, i'll be eating leftovers)
